Social Media Examiner, and the topic is “how to get featured on the major Facebook fan pages in your industry.”
Since Social Media Examiner is mostly about – you guessed it – social media, I didn’t want to bog the article down with the exact copywriting lessons for getting attention of experts, fan page owners, or company site managers. However, looking through my own email history at the copy I’ve used to get on the phone (or otherwise wheel and deal) for more exposure on blogs, social media, etc…, I figured these lessons were too important to skip, and so decided to include them in this separate blog post.
Below are 3 examples of 1-to-1 email copy used in establishing cross-promotions and mutually beneficial online exposure. I’ve used emails like these personally to get myself into the Boston Business Journal, TechCrunch, MarketingProfs, and other media sites – and I know you’ll find valuable lessons herein.
1. Getting Promoted on a Large Company or Community Fanpage
In the example below, I show how I’ve already given value to [Example] company by interviewing one of their experts, and here I kindly request their help in helping me – which in this case is really helping them. Though this could be a big win for me in terms of new traffic to my own site (and potentially some bragging rights for getting featured), they key is that I’ve helped the company already by interviewing an expert I admire and putting more attention on them. Leading by giving value.
2. Writing a Second Article on a Company’s Site
If you’re able to write one article on a company’s website, it’s often the best foot-in-the-door to being a regular contributor. Though you won’t usually be compensated for doing so, the exposure, traffic, and
SEO-juice (links) is often more than worth it. In which case, the copy below is a soft and gentle way of conveying value and easing your way into a second article on a given site (in this case, with the aim of being a monthly or otherwise regular contributor):
3. Establishing a Content or Newsletter Cross-Promotion
Once your foot is in the door and you have established a relationship with a marketing manager by giving value and showing that you’re a genuine supporter, you can begin reaching out into deeper cross-promotion strategies. These are usually of a much higher yield in terms of traffic and exposure than a single article, and also involve more commitment. Example strategies might be:
- You write 3 articles as live coverage about the company’s upcoming event and promote the event to your 12,000-person list, and the company in turn promotes you with a dedicated email to their list about a relevant / useful webinar that you have coming up
- You interview one of the company’s experts once per quarter, and in exchange they include the interview article on the bottom of their quarterly newsletter, and post about the article twice on Facebook
The examples above don’t even scratch the surface of possibilities, but you get the idea. Below is an example of such a message. Make note, a message like this is sent only once a relationship has been firmly established between you and the company / marketing manager:

That’s all, folks. Should you have any additional copywriting questions, feel free to be in touch here at dan [at] clvboost [dot] com.
Happy copywriting and best regards,
– Daniel Faggella
Founder, CLVboost Consultancy]]>